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How to Travel With Your Cat in a Car Long Distance

Preparation is critical when travelling with a cat over long distances. You cannot simply stuff the animal into a pet carrier and drive across the country. A fearful kitty on a lengthy car journey or aeroplane flight can add to the stress of your travels both during and after arrival. While travelling with cats in a car long distance, it is recommended to maintain your cat's routine - from feeding times to toilet breaks and playing.
Travelling with cats in a car long distance
The majority of cats are OK in carriers for up to eight hours. Others may require additional attention, and you may need to factor in a break every 2-3 hours. The following are some recommendations for travelling long distances with your kitty companion.
Step One
Feed your cat approximately three to four hours before your departure. Consequently, your cat will not vomit on the road, as the food requires time to settle.
Step Two
Within the carrier, surround your cat with a blanket that smells like home. Comfort is provided by a fragrance that your animal recognises.
Step Three
Fasten the carrier in the automobile in such a way that it does not lunge forward or tip over in the event of an abrupt stop. Ideally, position the carrier so that your cat can see you. If possible, secure the carrier with a seatbelt.
Step Four (Travelling with cats in a car for long distance)
Along the journey, feed and water your cat at times when it would regularly eat. Allow for some playtime while you take a rest. Transition routines gradually a few weeks prior to departure to account for time zone differences.
Step Five
If you're going to be out of the car for an extended period of time, crack the windows about an inch, but don't allow the cat to roam in the vehicle. Never leave your cat in a parked car for more than a few minutes, regardless of the weather. Warm days can quickly heat an automobile to unsafe levels, while chilly days can bring hypothermia.
Do cats travel well in a car? (Travelling with cats in car long distance)
It is a well-known fact that the majority of cats despise automobile rides. Most cats make only a few car excursions throughout their lives. Often, car rides are made solely for the purpose of transporting the cat to the veterinarian, leaving the cat with a negative perception of the automobile. Additionally, because people rarely take their cats for car rides, they may never develop an aversion to the sensation.
If the trip is brief, less than six hours, your cat will be perfectly content being in the carrier throughout. If you're travelling for an extended period of time, particularly if it's several days, you may choose to allow your cat out of the carrier frequently to drink water and use the litter box.
Calming tips when travelling with cats in the car long distance
As much as you'd like your cat to accompany you on vacation, cats are creatures of habit and are unlikely to appreciate the change in routine and scenery that a holiday provides. Certain cats grow quite anxious in unusual surroundings, such as automobiles. They may begin meowing loudly or possibly become ill. If this describes your cat, you're going to need every suggestion you can get to help calm them down in the car.
Several of these suggestions include the following:
- Familiar smells can assist your cat in remaining calm
- Play with your cat before leaving
- Take a test drive
- Use calming pheromones
- Monitor temperature and food
- Stay near your cat
Find out how to relieve your cat from stress in our previous blog post here:
Cat Stress Relief
You can also shop for the best Cat Stress Products at Vet Pharmacy. Some of these include:
Feliway Spray

Kalm-Aid Tablets

Check out more Cat stress products:
This blog post was written on behalf of Vet Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.