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How to Spot Tick Bites on Your Dog

Many people believe that ticks only affect humans, but dogs are actually more frequently used as hosts than humans. Not only can you be shocked and upset when you find ticks on your pet, but ticks can also spread dangerous diseases. Keep reading to find out how to spot a dog tick bite lump.
Where are ticks prevalent?
Ticks are unable to fly or jump; they must instead crawl from plant to plant to reach their host. To avoid drying out, they must live in a relatively humid environment. As a result, they are typically found in areas of woodland, moorland, or grassland. After walking your dog in these areas, particularly if there are a good number of deer or sheep nearby, you should carefully inspect the skin to ensure it hasn't picked up a visitor!
How do I determine if it’s a dog tick bite lump or not?
Small skin bumps
These small, oval-shaped arachnids feed by changing their colour and size. Ticks that are common are as small as an apple seed. However, once they attach to a host and fill with blood, their bodies become engorged and their colour changes to a greyish hue. They are much more visible at this point and measure approximately 1 cm in diameter.
Ticks attach to your dog's skin and are concealed by their fur. As a result, once they attach, you may feel them on your dog before you see them.
Run your hands carefully over your dog's body, feeling for any small bumps on their skin that may be ticks. Ticks prefer to congregate in particular areas, so pay close attention to your dog's head, neck, groin, feet (especially between their toes), armpits, and ears.

Inflammation of the skin
Unlike flea bites, which cause animals to itch and scratch incessantly, tick bites frequently do not aggravate dogs. This is a contributing factor to the problem. Dogs often don't tell you that they've been bitten by a tick, and the tick feeds on your dog for days, which could spread disease.
Certain dogs, however, do react to tick bites. There are no "tell-tale" signs, but red and inflamed skin can occasionally result in a skin infection at the attachment site. Red skin can be caused by a variety of other irritants or by your dog's scratching or chewing the area excessively. Consult your veterinarian if your dog's skin appears to be red or inflamed.
How can I get rid of a dog tick bite lump and the tick?
To begin the tick removal process, you will need a tick removal tool that is specifically designed to assist you in safely removing ticks from your dog in one piece.
- Collect your supplies
- Retain your dog's calm and relaxed demeanour.
- Locate the tick
- Using a tick removal tool, remove the tick from your dog.
- Clean the tick bite
- Check your dog for any additional ticks
- Get rid of the tick
- Be on the lookout for signs of tick-borne diseases

What if my dog exhibits unusual behaviour following a tick bite and dog tick bite lump?
Dogs can contract Lyme disease after being bitten by a blacklegged tick carrying the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. When dogs become ill, they may experience fever and lameness in one or more joints. Additionally, they may exhibit sluggishness and swollen lymph nodes. It is critical to contact your veterinarian if your dog exhibits unusual behaviour following a tick bite.
How can I avoid dog tick bite lumps?
- Ensure your dog is free of ticks by checking regularly
- Recognise tick hiding places
- Use tick control in your garden
- Select an effective tick treatment plan for your dog
Shop Tick Control Products Prevent Tick Bites
This blog post was written on behalf of Vet Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.